Drinking water treatment

Drinking water treatment

No problem, we could place a picture from a high tech inox purification unit in this place. Instead we placed a basic 3 stage filtration system of an elementary school. A simple and reliable system which is easy to install in front of the tabs. A reliable water purification for the houshold with low maintenance cost

It is a cascade filtration system. The first step removes particles bigger than 10 micron, the second catches remnants bigger than 5 micron. .In the final step the active carbon cartridge cleans the water from smells and catches heavy metals and most pesticides. This system parts are easy to buy and install by non-professionals, all parts available around the planet.

This basic system can be extended with UV radiation to destroy the DNA of microbes, with a reverse osmosis unit to eliminate smaller particles and and and. There are lots of technical solutions to devaluate water in the name of illusionary perfectionism. If the water is devaluated during the purification process we get sick, teeth may fall from the mouth, and organs malfunction.

Water is life.

 The only filter for the air we breathe is the nose. An adult inhales per day about 200 gr of water from the atmosphere. About 80% of our food is water. Chemical free food is a step towards to chemical free water and air. The more we treat it the less life energy and information it contains. Under this considerations offers WaterTrust most balanced solutions

Drinking water purification systems have to be tailored according to the water quality, expected result and needed quantities.

Solutions have to be effective cheap and easy to copy

WaterTrust design the systems according to this specific needs. We are as less as possible invasive in our methods to maintain as much as possible active qualities of water for better health.

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