Property design

Properties need secured water supply, Supply is related to the geographical position. Measures to protect the property from oversupply caused by run offs from above might be needed or we might need measures to collect each drop. caused by only seasonal supply or missing precipitation, we might need both measures in the same time.

There are rarely two locations with the same parameters. Located at the central South coast of Crete with seasonal rain falls only but very violent and frequent storm falls in this period we usually have to apply designs incorporating both needs: Protection from the violence of water and storing it for the rainless period.

Our example shows water protection and water harvesting constructions at a villa. The objective was: Protection of storm flooding, collection and storing of as much as possible rainfall. We built collection areas for storing water in tanks and we built separated collection area for storing water in the soil. The development is not water self-sufficient yet. The plot is connected to the municipal water supply. This enabled us to accelerate the growth of biomass substantially. The tree cultures will be autonomous in about 3 years.

Water from outside the property caused the main protection wall to collapse. We diverted the water flow from behind the wall and rebuilt it



In the following we designed the courtyard as a water harvesting area and sealed it with natural stones on concrete. The roofs of the property were equipped with rain collectors


In the entrance to the garage are the inlets for the sediment separators. It was also plastered with stone and water collector


Under the garage are two tanks with 10 m3 rain water storing capacity.


Ornamental plots with flowers and figs, a plot with aromatic plants and another with cactus were added. The water harvesting area following 3 years


Each plot is different.

WaterTrust performs holistic approaches in water management. We design, construct and maintain small paradises in ecologic niches. We enable others to be water protectors. You can trust WaterTrust

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