Continous Climate Change

Continous Climate Change


There is no doubt, that we live insite diverse climata and diverse is life in respect. The same form of life appears in different environments in different outfits. It must be a reflection of the diversity of the environment as the human colors correspond to geographical regions and the  colors change smoothly from one to the other region.

There are virtually no changes except by translocation or racial assemblance. It is hardly to imagine, that this differences correspond to the atmospheric aspect of climate. It seems, that it corresponds to the terrestic impacts and the atmosphere is the unifying body. The soil on which our ancestors grew decide on the color of the skin. 

Our knowlege of climate is statistic in first line and assembly of scientific data in second. What is the impact of a changing climate on us, human beeings? On our inner climate? Are we still cool? Or do we feel, ups, that the emotional climate shifts and gets hotter? Can we feel, that it is One Atmosphere we are living in? That we inhale with the water vapour in the air the energy of a global intangible mind?

Do we change as climate changes and diversity around and in us melts like the glaciers? Or has nothing of all that a recognizable impact?



What is happening? Nothing. It is like it always was. A riverbed changes its course over  time.


Water shapes the coast lines over time as glaciers dig there beds in the rocks.  Change over time, governed by natural rhythms. Over long periods of time. Like the one before wo(man) started their foot steps on this planets.

Since than our kind lives around sources of water and accumulated in number

Civilization has no time to follow the above mentioned natural rhythms. It has to go faster on our host named earth. And faster. And faster. It works. Things go faster. Humanity changed river beds, coastlines and glaciers in some centuries only. Humanities footsteps became an insane footprint

Humanity since ever has the gift of Prometheus: Energy. The knowledge to convert materials into energy and set this energy free is the sound reason behind the acceleration of changes in the living system. Everything gets faster, the storms, the fires and the floodings. The accumulated energy consumption of humanity did not disappear. because we live in a closed system

Humanity got what it pledged for. It is the dominant species on planet earth. And now?

We have to heal, heal the planet, water, us.

We are all connected in one and the same water cycle. The water we drink has a long trip in behind. It has passed liquid, vaporous and crystalline conditions. It could be from everywhere. Over time.

Not caring for water is strange. We are of water. There is only one water in one water cycle of billions of water cycles. One of them is me.

Resist. Reduce.Recycle. Reuse

Let us contribute to the future of the planet. Now is the time. Be a waterprotector

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